It's always the same with Alborosie: Retro down to the (long) ends of your hair, he delivers wonderful, old-fashioned analogue produced reggae, which opens our hearts and awakens sentimental memories. And of course he also maintains the tradition (which has unfortunately largely been forgotten) with absolute reliability, a vocal album a suitable one Dub-Album to follow. So it was only a matter of time before "Freedom & Fyah" "Freedom Dub" (Greensleeves) would follow. Now it is there and is - well - just like before "Dub Clash ","Dub the System "and"Dub of Thrones ”. I can quote myself: “When Alborosie is at the controls, then there is no question where the journey is going: Every note of the album is an homage to the roots sound of the late 1970s, recorded in analogue and entirely hand-played. Reverb, echo and switching sound tracks on and off are the only effects allowed here. A puristic setting, which, however, needs a few ideas to do more than just reincarnate the 70sDub to be. ”These sentences are now three albums old and still one hundred percent valid. And unfortunately I also have to repeat my criticism: the compositions are good, the arrangements are good too, and ultimately that is Dub-Mixing not bad (yes, even better than its predecessors). But there is still something missing to make me really happy. If the essence of the Dub really is to completely break a track down into its component parts and get to the core of the Dub to build up anew from this basis, "to break up listening habits, to present the familiar in new conditions and to bring the previously unheard into focus", like the Dubvisionist put it so nicely, then Alborosie only walked half the way. In the attempt to be "original", he does not dare to break the traditional rules and take a radical step towards new, surprising listening experiences - and thus the path of the Dub to come to an end.
5 replies to “Alborosie: Freedom Dub"
When I came here to the office I was walking in Dub this disc. Thanks to gtkriz's service at Spotify, I was immediately up to date and found it Dub really good. Alborosie's got his foot in the right door. In any case, I was happy to be able to buy the record right away. And yes, when I heard them at home in my reggae cathedral, I wasn't disappointed, but then I also had a certain feeling of deficiency.
Well, your analysis gets to the point anyway. That's why I don't want to talk about it so much anymore. I like the record but Mad Professor with JAH 9 is currently the measure of all things, on my part.
Ok, until …………………. lemmi
I also get 3/5 because I don't really like the mastering. Tracks are beautiful, but not innovative - in an older review it was stated, in a sense, here just as true, that he himself has too much respect for his own work to completely tear it up and put it back together.
Overall, the sound comes across to me a bit too muddy, there is not enough “space”. Pupa Albo would do well to simply ignore the “Loudness War” completely - after all, you can always turn up the volume.
for the record: The albums Soul Pirate, Escape From Babylon, 2 Times Revolution, Sound The System, Freedom & Fyah all get their 5 stars from me.
Speaking of shredding. what do you think of shredding.
There's this video “Mad Professor shreds Bob Marley” on YouTube!
I'm probably making a fool of myself, because you've already known this, but in the event that not ...
Greetings …………… lemmy
Very cool live mix. However, the video editor would have better kept his hands off the effects.
Ok, you as a graphic designer (if I remember) have higher expectations than me.
But I also really liked the look.
Greetings …………… .. lemmi