Dubmatix - the name says it all: it's about Dub. After some DubReleases at the beginning of his career, this program seemed to have been forgotten. Dubmatix albums like System shakedown, Renegade rockers or Rebel massive are - although the sound is always Dub is - strictly speaking, none Dub-Albums, as they were voiced by numerous old-school artists. All of them wonderful albums, but secretly I had long wanted that Dubmatix back to his Dub-To find roots back. And finally he has heard my wishes: a pure, pure, genuine one Dub-Album by the mixing console master from Toronto is fresh on the table in front of me - and it has the most programmatic of all possible titles: In Dub (Echo Beach). Who with this title to a DubVersion of the Dubmatix-Back catalog thinks, wrong. In fact, Jesse King (aka Dubmatix) here only original material, especially for In Dub recorded, mixed by hand in the old fashion and subtly decorated by organs, brass or melodica. So it is a full-fledged one Dubmatix album, which is on an equal footing with his other releases and is by no means just a derivative. So it gives up In Dub no compromises either. Every rhythm was created to be a Dub to become - which is why the sound here is even deeper, more powerful, militant and powerful bass than from Dubalready used to matix albums. The King plays virtuously with the steppers scheme without ever becoming schematic. He plays earthquake-inducing beats without using worn-out four-to-the-floor clichés. With a dreamlike security he strikes a path between the genres, makes use of the power and impact of steppers and combines them with sophisticated compositions and arrangements as well as fresh ideas. The result is the best of both worlds: music for the head and stomach alike. Hence developed In Dub also such a fantastic flow. As the mind loses itself in conscious listening and analyzing the details, the body and soul are immersed in overwhelming bass frequencies and gently but decisively into the spheres of the world Dub-Metaphysics kidnapped. That's exactly how I wanted it.