
Dubmatix Meets Future Dub Orchestra: Frontline Dub

Once upon a time there was the future Dub Orchestra - a loose musicians' collective around the Brit JT Clarke - that released the rather trivial, droning album "Echoes": Suitable at best for lounges, at worst for an elevator that catapults hip scouts to the next startup with potential hits . That was 2017; flashforward to 2022 and the ingenious idea of ​​the Future Dub Orchestra with Mr Dubto clamp matrix together. That makes something, as you can see on the just released "Frontline Dub' (Echo Beach).

Both parties benefit from the new album: the orchestra gets thanks Dubmatix kicks his butt and he in turn broadens his musical horizons in a beneficial way: a win-win situation, so to speak. And indeed, “Frontline Dub' an entertaining work consisting of five instrumentals plus their Dubversions and as such fits perfectly into the Echo Beach catalogue: the danceable electronic version of Hall & Echo, which just barely misses reggae. Fans of this genre mix - for which there should have been a category for a long time - will love the album, no question. And indeed: So far the best Echo Beach release of the year, although we're only halfway there...

Rating: 4 out of 5.

3 replies to "Dubmatix Meets Future Dub Orchestra: Frontline Dub"

You make me fed you!

At the moment, however, everything that you are reviewing here is great again! And there's also a lot going on on the extended radar screen. Spoiled for choice is the result, but who cares, sometimes it just has to be enough that you have the information about where the treasures of this world lie.
For me, the album is a win-win-win situation, because I also benefit a lot from it. I'm a fan of this genre mix ;-)
The audio sample is also my favorite here, but the Steppers variants, which come very close to techno, are also very much on my wavelength. The exorbitant advantage of this
For me, Stepper's variants lie in the existence of a bass line, which unfortunately is always missing in techno. Nevertheless, some TechnoTunes have almost led me to positive madness, because Techno can also be really psychedelic. There are such and such psychopaths but I am one of the good guys (at least I hope so).
I really like the instrumentals without exception, but what DubMatix then still in Dub getting out of these great instrumentals is exactly to the point for my taste. I think he really celebrates the difference here Dub can account for in most cases. For me, this is also an “open day” in the EchoKammer. Above all, I find the way he tackles the drums just great. In addition, this Steppers variant, which prevails here in this album, goes into my brain much better and with it it opens my heart as well. There are also frequencies that go more upstairs (yes, I have that too). Among other things, I noticed a nice tinkling of the piano, which clearly reflects the gloom of a UK stepper song that I despised.Dubs counteracts. That doesn't bring me down. It doesn't just ram me into the ground like I'm a fence post. No, those steppersDubs are made by and with Dubmatix to pure, with plenty DubTinsel Decorated, Upliftment!!!
In addition to all this, the vocal snippets are decorated with reverberation and echo in such a great way that I can only be amazed. If I can now get this music on disc as well, it would definitely be a double win-win situation for me. So win-win to the power of 4 (or squared? It doesn't matter, the lion and the winner)

"I feel like a lion" (mixture of genre and language, Berliners in Dub or so …. )………………… lemmi

Hehe, come on gtk ;-)

at least it was enough for you for 4 stars ;-)

The dark side of the force only starts at 5 stars for Uk Steppers - Dub ;-)

Greetings ………………… lemmi

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