
Fire feat. Adrian Sherwood: Live

I would like to start my review with a heartfelt thank you to lemmi. He was the one who brought this incredibly strange yet fascinating project to my attention. Ashes on my head: I completely slept through the release in January of this year.

It's crystal clear to me that this record won't be to everyone's taste. Maybe that's why I like it all the more. The recordings for "Fire feat. Adrian Sherwood“ (Salgari Records) were created on October 04th, 2020 at the Turin Jazz Festival, in Italy. A musical audio-video project so ambitious that I like to use the band's biography as a litmus test for what is conjured up on this record: Fire feat. Adrian Sherwood is a collision of electronic music, Dub, jazz, global beats, field recordings and visual arts. It is the condensation of musical and visual languages ​​that is all-encompassing for both artists and audiences. Five seasoned musicians, one English Dub-Legend - Adrian Sherwood, the absolute "guardian deity" of English Dub - and a video artist combine the techniques of contemporary electronic jazz with liveDubbing and the real-time performance of a movie collide. Between the audience and the musicians, the film was projected onto a screen on the stage.

Now these fascinating live recordings have finally been made available to the public. The most remarkable ensemble was founded by trumpeter Ivan Bert (Dark Magus Orchestra, Emma for Peace, Jazz TO Nepal). Joining the crew were: saxophonist Gianni Denitto (Zion Train, TUN, Kora Beat), vibraphonist and percussionist Pasquale Mirra – one of Europe's most versatile and inspired jazz vibraphonists – (Mop Mop, C-mon Tigre), drummer Filoq (Italian Institute of Cumbia, Uhuru Republic, Vinicio Capossela), and multi-instrumentalist, guitarist and producer Marco "Benz" Gentile (Africa Unite, Meg, Architorti). Riccardo Franco-Loiri aka Akasha was responsible for the visuals of this multimedia project.

In short: the result is lysergic. Soothing and unsettling atmospheres were created. The changes between human voices and bizarre exotic elements as well as between jazz elements and post-industrial loneliness were perfectly integrated into the overall concept. The band, but also Adrian Sherwood are truly »on fire«. By Sherwood's geniuses Dub-Mix with e.g. T. long-forgotten samples from Prince Far I, Andy Fairley, Dub Syndicate and Albert Einstein, the final product is amplified disproportionately. There they are, the unheard sounds, because On .U Sound presents: "Tunes from the Missing Channel"! The interaction between Fire and Sherwood is breathtaking. In my opinion, only the open-minded AM Sherwood, who has always broken all conventions, can do something like that. Unique!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

12 responses to “Fire feat. Adrian Sherwood: Live"

Yeah man

First of all, thank you so much RasVorbei for letting me appear here as a “tip giver”. I usually run into reviews and recommendations from the DubBlog always far behind. I try to "comply with the requirements".
When I discovered this disc (vinyl!!!) at the dealer I trusted, I had to be satisfied with the 45-second snippets. This can be done with On U. Sound and with DubMusic in general might not be enough to really get an acoustic picture. But it was enough to pique my curiosity, and I'll buy anything with Adrian Sherwood on it anyway. And yes, as always, not only does it say it here, but it also has Adrian Sherwood in it !!! Adrian Sherwood could also make PunkMukke exciting for me and so he easily manages to inspire me for "TechnoJazz" (I just invented it myself). The riddims aren't on my list of favorites, and the jazzy horn parts occasionally make my shoulders pull together quite a bit. And with the saxophone I have to bundle all my tolerance to stay with it.
But it doesn't take long before my openness is rewarded. I can't resist the unique atmosphere that Adrian Sherwood creates here once again. I "breathe" the air of a dark, wicked cellar as well as the air that reminds me of the unique fresh scent of the jungle on Gomera
I'll be honest, if Mr. Sherwood wasn't here, the music wouldn't do me any good. But already at the second DubTune gives me the broad "On .U Sound grin" and then becomes pure happiness with "SinnerVision", especially since a fantastic laugh, very close to positive madness, is sampled into the mix. At SinnerVision I also find the riddim very exciting and when “On U. Sound presents Tunes from The Missing Channel” sounds with the inimitable style of Adrian Sherwood, I’m in Dubnirvana And in order to transfer me into unmistakable quantum states, the "tunes" are then presented again in a mix that simply blows me away. I can't imagine a nicer knock out.
To the unique DubAtmsosphere and the always amazing effects of Mr. Adrian Sherwood, then joins a xylophone, which for me is the high-flyer here from a musical point of view. It not only comforts me, but it lets me sail like a catamaran over all the shoals that I find in the riddims and shows me the big wide world of musical possibilities that exist in the DubMusic applied worldwide.
Yes, the disc is a bit bulky at times, but it's not only interesting, it's also exciting beyond that ;-)
What you don't know doesn't make you hot, but this disc once again has a very specific fire and that makes me very hot.
Great tip Ras Vorbei ! Even if it's not a classic Dub but something like that belongs for me in the Dubblog ! It would be bad for me if I had missed this disc.
It is striking that the word "unique" does not only apply to Ras Vorbei found use, but that I used it almost "inflationary" but that's the way it is, it's UNIQUE! ( mmmmmmh, there is the word polite in there ......... polite is something like nice and always obedient ...... well, every now and then you can be polite ......... ..

On .U Sound presents TUNES …….. TUNES ……… TUNES ……… and I love it ! ………………………. lemmi

Hi Lemmy!

"Great tip Ras Vorbei !” – Well, I'm happy to return this compliment to you, lemmi.

"... a xylophone, which for me is the high-flyer here musically."
Oh yes, what Pasquale Mirra conjures up from his marimba – as it says in the credits – can only be described as excellent. In places the instrument almost sounds like a balafon. Actually, why not? The balafon is the African ancestor of all xylophones, vibraphones, marimbaphones and glockenspiels.

"I'll be honest, if it weren't for Mr. Sherwood here, I wouldn't do the music any good."
I wouldn't judge that harshly. For me, without Mr. Sherwood the music would be great, with Mr. Sherwood it becomes unique.

Who hasn't seen it yet:

All right Ras Vorbei !
Or. all clarifications eliminated ;-)

I'm never really sure about the exact names of instruments. And that's exactly why I looked at the cover and it said xylophone (if I'm not mistaken).
I'll take a closer look today and if I'm wrong, I'll report it.
But I don't think it's that important either, because the main thing is that we (especially me) have now learned from you that the balaphone is not only the African ancestor of the xylophone. I don't think I need to mention the importance of African music and therefore also African instruments for me.
I have to say that I don't really have any plans for African music, but whenever I get exceptionally good feelings from music, then it comes from Africa!
Unfortunately only rarely from Jamaica.

So long ………… .. lemmi

By the way Ras Vorbei !

I don't know how you did it, but my cover now also says marimba ;-)

I haven't even found the word xylophone anywhere while reading backwards.

Greetings ……………… lemmy

Yes, lemmi, it took a few tries, but it worked - that's voodoo magic! ;-)))
Thought my cover was a misprint and already a collector's item. ;-)

Many thanks for recommendation! I'm blown away by this release. This is an unbelievable gift and a collection of terrific dub music made by excellent musicians. Thank you Fire and Adrian Sherwood for giving us this terrific gift of music. Truly an amazing concept. Please On-U Sound gimme some more!

Andi, I am happy about your positive feedback. All in all a very unusual album. On .U Sound. > Music for open-minded people.

Awesome, you just got back from vacation and you find such a great tip here. Thanks very much Ras Vorbei! Unfortunately, such outstanding projects are far too rare. This is really a brilliant alternative for tired Dubears.

2023, one of the best tips in Dubblog! What brilliant virtuosity! Definitely the album that has had the most listens for me and to this day I still haven't gotten bored.

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