Insane. That's where I get the album Bad brains in Dub (Echo Beach), with illustrations of the four band members on the cover, and think: “All right. Licensed old material from the Reggae / Hardcore boys from Washington ”. What I didn't know: There is a German band that only plays songs by the Bad Brains (with German lyrics) and that released their material on the album “Hirntrafo” on Echo Beach in 2010. Your name: No hate there. This material now has label boss Nicolai Umberto Echo, Dub Spencer & Trance Hill, the Dubvisionist, Dubmatix, Aldubb and the bassist of the Bad Brains, Darryl Jenifer for further use. They didn't let their hair down, worked hard and mixed a total of 13 tracks from four songs. The question is whether the album is as good as the story behind it. Let's put it this way: it meets my expectations. As with the Bad Brains, the sound of Kein Hass da is also a typical live sound. A little too dry for my taste, a little too wooden, more rock than reggae. Somehow the reggae beats don't want to fit into a harmonious flow - unlike z. B. near Dub Spencer and Trance Hill, who despite their live atmosphere have a very own, fascinating reggaeDub-Vibe succeeds. That too Dub-Trio could be used here as a comparison. Their sound is similar, but more extreme and hypnotic. Even the Bad Brains sound much tighter next to their German reincarnation. However, it is very exciting to compare what the different Dub-Mixer conjured up from identical source material. Dubvisionist versus Dubmatix or Umberto Echo versus Aldubb, for example. A small listening school of the Dub. I would have wished for a different starting material, but I'm still impressed by the formative power of the Dub.