
Mungo's Hi Fi: Antidote

(This text has been machine translated.) It was time for Mungo's Hi Fi to release a proper Dub-Album. The three Scots produce their fingers sore, put out the coolest albums and EPs in staccato and save up Dub?! Okay, "Serious Time" got 2014 a Dub-Pendant, but that's about it. But now it's over: "Antidote“(Scotch Bonnet), the new Dub-Meta-Work of the Glasgower is here. "Meta" because it contains ten Dub-Versions of titles from Mongo's oeuvre. So the meta-study of the existing Mungo's productions - which brings us right to the title: “Antidote”. Corona sends its regards. But the Mungo's crew does not refer their antidote to the evil virus, but "it's an antidote to all the stress and restriction of modern life". Aha, there seems to be a bit of frustration. No wonder. For a sound system that lives from festivals and parties, the last few months should have been an imposition. Anyone who knows the Scots from live performances will know that they rock any party. Their mix of old school dancehall and modern bass music is simply irresistible. I've already spent the most beautiful sound system nights in the bass waves of Mungo's Hi Fi. So I was all the more astonished that “Antidote” is NOT being party-music. Dub is obviously serious business for the three guys from Glasgow. Almost academically, they dissect their rhythms here, rigorously cut them down and reduce them to drum and bass. Quite puristic and consistent. Unexpected, but not bad. "It's a sonic journey that will leave all who enter cleansed and replenished on the other side," they promise. A purification cure, in a way. This is exactly the cure they have given their music and the result is a Dub-Catharsis. Pure and clean, as Gregory would call it. May we start cleansed into the newly won freedom.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

3 replies to "Mungo's Hi Fi: Antidote"

Yo! Of course, I was also very curious. That's why I listened right away! And as almost always, I have something to complain about. Don't worry, nothing bad, but I feel like "talking".
Actually, that's too minimalist for me. It's almost only bass and drum! Well, the main thing is no "drum and bass" right ?! This becomes particularly clear to me with a very special example!
"That's the coffee mix" ... oh no, that was something else again. No! But ! Ohhhhh ……. that's the sugar water Dub ! from or with Hollie Cook! To describe it even better, greetings from Prince Fatty! And then there is “Scientist wins the World Cup” with “Dangerous Match 1” !!! I'm gasping and my heart is pumping in Nyabinghy rhythm! For me this has been one of the best since Scientist Dubs or riddims of all time! I don't know if Prince Fatty really went the extra mile. But if so, then he did it and not Mungo's HiFi. For me it's too minimalistic. But the ridddim - THIS BASSLINE - that's what I always talk about when so many other basslines don't give me anything. This BassLine is the gravitational representation and incarnation of reggae from Jamaica! (That still doesn't sound swollen enough to describe my enthusiasm for this BassLine, but sometimes there are no words ...) And because this BassLine or this Riddim gives me more than all the gold and platinum in our earth, Mungos HiFi couldn't ruin this riddim either. Basically, they might even want to do me a favor because they practically surgically dissected the BassLine and completely exposed the bare marrow. The "drums" are not good for me on the whole album. Far too few accents are set there. In any case, it stuck with me for the time being.
Maybe there are other basslines here that I just haven't recognized yet, but this bassline is just too "dangerous" not to emphasize it again.
Yes, despite my (almost) usual grumbling, I can't find anything bad about the album. The groove is too good, all the basslines are too good and with “Birds Of Pleasure” there is also a very charming, albeit sparse, guitar and / or keyboard “tinkling” “around the top”. This creates happiness hormones and feelings, so that I will be the 4th, 5th, 6th. and look calmly towards all other waves. If it weren't for the many fellow human beings for whom our heads of state seem to have intended bankruptcy. You forbid them to work, but the obligations are not forbidden. That should have been forbidden ......
Now a lot of people have to take out loans and that is exactly what is particularly good for goldmann, sacks and the like …… ..

Pssssssssst, I didn't say anything ;-) …………………. lemmi

I take back that with the drums.

That fits and anyway this is an overwhelming bass bubbling again. And that in the "early" morning.
My immediate new neighbor also hears bass music from the computer. Sometimes until three in the morning and longer.
Basically he has no chance against "my" reggae and anyway DubBass but with these rich basslines I stomp it into the ground.
But only until 20 p.m.! I'm fair ;-)

Great "slice" …………………… lemmi

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