Full Dub Riddims: Chapter 1: Africa

5 Responses to “Full Dub Riddims: Chapter 1: Africa"

If I judge correctly, the last 6 albums in the ReleaseRadar
all made by ki's or at least supported by them.
When it started that in the DubRiddim column more and more DubAlbums were reviewed that you could no longer buy in record stores - or at least in CD stores - I could no longer really follow the point of it. OK, over time I was forced to accept it more and more... which I am still very busy with and the computer nerds' "innovation mania" is now increasingly overwhelming me with the flood of music data. I don't know how an AI "works" and I'm not interested. But I think it works all by itself and makes music day and night, without the slightest hint of spirituality and without a hint of tiredness. I hate to admit it, but I think the riddims have mostly been pretty good so far, even if they seem very schematic to me. But reggae is inherently very repetitive and so this is even a perfect opportunity for the AI ​​in terms of riddim structure. Otherwise, you can see that a Dwight Pinkney or an Ernest Ranglin cannot be replaced so quickly by ones and zeros. And we don't even need to talk about the accents of the drummers, which I always find very exciting. The AI ​​can't do that (yet).
I have the feeling that ki music undermines the exclusivity of our favorite music. And in the end, it's not just what comes out (usually it's "just" shit anyway), but also the whole spirit of reggae music falls by the wayside, in my opinion.
The HeartBeatRiddim alone (which is copied very well by ki) is purely human and both the melodies and the lyrics of the singers and the “mixed” ones, who come across in “wrong key”, are something special and deeply human due to the spirituality of the artists. I don’t want the ones and zeros to replace something human for me and thereby transform me, perhaps even without me noticing, into a dull creature a la “Friedrich Schmerz” or “Heinz Markus Blöder”. At the Oktoberfest, a connoisseur of The Healing Of The Nations is illegally arrested by – in this case, unfortunately, we have to speak of cops – and harassed at the police station, while at the same time drunken corpses are being taken away in the ambulance. Blöder thinks that’s right. And Schmerz confirms it with a smile. I then urgently need to get back into the goal, but I definitely don’t want these idiots to
will have power over us in the future. But it will probably happen like this ……….. WTF is going on here?! My favorite chancellor wanted to try more democracy and the idiots deposed him because of a little problem with a spy from the GDR. And now hardly anyone wants democracy anymore! WTF …. you know!

“The Earth dies screaming” was sung by UB40 and played brilliantly! Let’s see if there will be a big public outcry, but it will be too late anyway and by then “gildet”,

the Erath dies steaming inna different style !!! ………………….. lemmi

By the way: I think EEK A MOUSE has a fantastic falsetto!!!
In comparison, all the others sound like castrated Mickey Mouse!

Now off to the goal… lemmi!

Always these “Freudian” errors from me!
I ruined the punchline myself!

The Earth dies streaming !!! Of course it has to say that!

I wouldn't have such a big problem with steaming!

Otherwise, I'm totally on the same wavelength as Inner Circle!

“Smoking Smoking Smoking, is good for the brain!!!”

“PoliesMan come down and eat my shit!” ……………… lemmi

….. is good FOR the brain!!!
I really need an "edit button" here so I can correct my many mistakes later. Either I'm writing too quickly and too much or I should reflect on the text from Inner Circle again. Or maybe I should reflect on it for the sake of self-reflection... it's not all that easy and certainly not that clear to me.

I hope there are no errors now, otherwise I will have to add another version ……….
The Jamaicans say about themselves,
“Jamaica got no facts … Only Versions!” ……….. I think that’s wonderful ……… lemmi

Although I have heard that self-talk can be quite healthy, I would also like to keep in mind the possibility that such conversations can also be the beginning of the psychological end of every individual.
Maybe it's better if I don't shout everything out into the world at once. Sometimes I get a little desperate because letters that I think I've typed clearly aren't printed by this stupid computer. But whatever!
I actually wanted to say something about the cover.
This is an AI image, isn't it?
I find the colors fascinating and the sharpness really impresses me. But given the sharpness, you should be able to see a few pores on the crystal clear skin of the nose, right?!? It looks more like a plastic mask to me. On the one hand, it's beautiful, but on the other hand, it's very sterile or something like that.
Anyway, I just wanted to share a little of my conversation with myself with you.
It's cold and wet outside! Wet and cold! I'm looking forward to going home ……………. lemmi

Hey, come on now!
I admit, I am very focused on myself and my self and all the other I's, but you added the second "me" afterwards ;-) or not, and yet it's me?!
Well, I hope it's okay now and nothing else comes out of my head.
Just a little warning! See you Monday ………… lemmi

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