Five Star Review

Dub Syndicate: Acres of Space

After more than 20 years of waiting, it can finally be heard again, at least in the streaming services: The new edition of what is probably the best Dub Syndicate albums where there - from "Acres of Space"There is talk that the Echo Beach label has thankfully brought it back "into the program". When I'm in things Dub something I've been hoping for, it's the re-release of this album. Chapeau, Echo Beach!

It won't surprise anyone that I call this album - the only one by the way - a masterpiece and the review will end with (at least) 5 stars. What Style Scott and Adrian Sherwood created here in 2001 is my personal ultimate Dub; everything is just right here: from the basslines, arrangements, production, sound, Dubmix to the cover artwork. Every track is "tight" and "crispy" - and what Adrian Sherwood has done with the instrumentals recorded in Jamaica is simply terrific: everything we know from him is there, including additional recorded instruments such as the violin or harmonica and of course the track by track bespoke SherwoodDubmix.

What is left to say? I could go into superlatives here and why I used the metaphor "Acres of Space" in the tried again and again. Ultimately, I just recommend the album to everyone and wish I could give six stars - it doesn't get any better than that.

Rating: 5 out of 5.