Reggae has just been elevated to the status of World Heritage by UNESCO, and another high-ranking cultural asset is already paying homage to it: The Last poets. Reggae has seldom counted as many features reviews as it does now with the legendary band's new album - and seldom has our favorite music been able to tie in so perfectly with its old core brand as “Rebel Music”. What happened? Almost exactly 50 years after the first concert of the Last Poets (a concert in memory of Malcolm X in New York), and after several albums across jazz, funk and hip hop, came out in 2018, after a 20-year break, with “Understand What Black Is “a new work by the New York formation. A reggae album! The feuilletons were full of enthusiasm: the election of Donald Trump had called the now seventy-year-old rebels, who are considered the founders of hip hop, back on the scene and prompted them to make violent verbal attacks on America. Carried by the sound of fat reggae beats. Even if the rather conservative paper “Die Welt” babbles about “cozy hippie esotericism”, that is a remarkable process. Reggae becomes the basis of a prominent attack on US nationalism and racism. One line of text reads radically: "America is a terrorist, killing has always been part of the American master plan". No trace of esotericism. What seems new and radical to feature editors has a long tradition in reggae. Dub Poets like Oku Onuora, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Mutabaruka and Benjamin Zephaniah took up social grievances, discrimination and racism decades ago Dub- Reggae beats under verbal attack. Therefore, the Last Poets' commitment to reggae is only logical.
Which finally brings us to the topic even after a long preface Dub would have arrived, because "Understand What Black Is" appeared with "Understand what Dub Is" (Studio Rockers) recently the Dub-Version. Apart from the fact that the title is awesome, after a long break it is finally a again Dub-Work by Prince Fatty. I was worried that he had become unfaithful to reggae and was traveling in other regions. But no. Apparently he and his buddy Ben Lamdin alias Nostalgia 77 were only busy with the productions for the Last Poets. While with the poets the spoken word is always in the foreground, with the Dub-Version the ratio around. This is where the music comes into its own - and it has it with “Understand What Dub Is “really deserved. Fatty has done everything here to create aggressive, militant beats (because of "hippie esotericism"!). Powerful marching drums, adorned with the percussions of the younger poets member Baba Donn Babatunde, as well as powerful bass lines - recorded by, among others Dub Judah. Fatty delivers an impressive, exciting Dub-Mix, who thrives on violent contrasts and could even wrest an appreciative nod from Mad Professor. The prince cleverly manages to put the poets' most pointed statements between the Dub-Place effects, which, in my opinion, have even more power than the original vocal versions.
17 responses to “The Last Poets: Understanding what Dub is "
I already know the Grandfathers of Rap from a time when a certain Lightnin 'Rod aka Jalal recorded a track “Doriella Du Fontaine” with Jimi Hendrix. That was 1968 and the world was in total turmoil and upheaval. (Student revolts, Black Panther, Vietnam War, Cold War ...)
The original Last Poets were founded on May 19.05.1968th, XNUMX on Malcom X's birthday in Harlem.
The first album was called "Last Poets" and was made with the substantial contribution of Jimi Hendrix producer Alan Douglas. The second album "This Is Madness" is characterized by more political lyrics, which led to the fact that the group was subsequently monitored by the CIA. Everyone who was politically active at the time knew the Last Poets and / or owned both albums.
A certain Adrian Sherwood then first brought an EP with completely new recordings by Jalal - "Mankind" onto the market and a little later even released an entire CD of Jalal - "On The One".
Jalaluddin Mansur Nuriddin unfortunately died on June 04.06.2018th, XNUMX after suffering from cancer for a long time.
So I was all the more surprised when in 2018, after a long time, a new Last Poets album - “Understand What Black Is” was released. And I was even more surprised when Prince Fatty - “Understand What Dub Is “mixed. I always run both versions of the album as a showcase.
About Prince Fatty I have to go into this Dubblog don't tell anyone anything. Just so much that to this day I haven't known any bad publications from him and I think I know all of them. I even really like his collaboration with Hollie Cook.
Hopefully I'm still in demand as an “album critic” after my story on “Rainford”.
I don't want to criticize anything, I just want to share my enthusiasm for this record. Although I like it 100% without exception, I would especially like the first one right away Dub Highlight "Rain Of Terror". The "announcement snippets" from the poets fit like a bassball bat into Trump's face. Prince Fatties Mix is awesome as always but this BASSLINE !!! ... .. this BASSLINE !!!! nothing goes over it! Pure enthusiasm and unending pride that I have this record on vinyl at home. Regardless of whether you understand that or not, I just have to be able to touch some discs just to know that they are really real.
As long as there are such records from time to time, my enthusiasm for reggae and DUB not weaken. That’s very clear. And right now I have the feeling that reggae will never die again. Sometimes I can't understand that our time here is limited. I very much hope that if my soul should float through the universe after my death and I may get bored somewhere in the end, a place will be waiting for me where this music will play up and down for all eternity.
We'll be forever loving Dub ………………………. lemmi
Truly a (Dub) Pearl… enjoy from A to Z and the snippets with the political messages fit like a fist in the eye!
I have to add that for the ON-U Sound Addicts:
Adrian Maxwell Sherwood then first released an EP "Mankind" with brand new recordings by Jalal in 1993 and a little later (1996) Jalal's AMS released an entire CD - "On The One".
On the album as Players Of Instruments: Bonjo Iyabinghi Noah,
Skip McDonald, Doug Wimbish, Keith Leblanc, David Harrow (Programming) involved.
Producers were: Adrian Sherwood, Jalal & Skip McDonald
The fact that Adrian Sherwood published works by Jalal in the 90s when the Last Poets fell silent shows once again how open he is to other musical styles. This genius really has no reservations about contact. Respect, AMS is absolutely not a “specialist idiot”, which it has proven time and again for decades. One genre is not enough for him ...
@ René
"Apparently he (Fatty) and his buddy Ben Lamdin alias Nostalgia 77, were only busy with the productions for the Last Poets".
No, it wasn't like that. Prince Fatty was jack of all trades once again. In 2015 he had already recorded and produced the reggae album "Applies" by Cian Finn - an Irish songwriter - live in the studio. Back then there were also a few illustrious guests such as Max Romeo, Hollie Cook, Black Steel, Dub Judah as well as Horseman.
Said album "Applies" was released in 2018 by Prince Fatty in the traditional Dub-Style mixed with fine vintage equipment on analog tape and the result was - as always - a very nice Prince Fatty typical Dub Album "Cian Finn - Applies In Dub".
The album is even said to be played by the legendary Jah Shaka sound system.
By the way, Prince Fatty must have reggae /Dub have already been absorbed with breast milk. This morning I caught myself thinking for a moment that I was listening to a King Tubby Mix, which ended up being a Prince Fatty Tune. Prince Fatty has the classic one Dub Internalized 1: 1. Hammer!!!
What I like about Prince Fatty, among other things, is his versatility and openness to other music genres (like his role model Adrian Sherwood).
In 2016 “Dele Sosimi & Nostalgia 77 & Prince Fatty - You No Fit Touch Am in Dub". Dele Sosimi played keyboard player in Fela Kuti's legendary Egypt 1979 from 1986 to 80 and has since become one of the most active musicians on the Afrobeat scene worldwide. His music is a mixture of complex, very danceable funk grooves, traditional Nigerian music (Hi-Life), African percussions and plenty of “jazz fans”. Prince Fatty also knew how to chase these tunes through the "Echo Chamber".
In 2018 he also produced "Prince Fatty presenting Monkey Jhayam - The Rolê Of Monkey Man". Monkey Jhayam, who has already worked with Victor Rice, is a singer / songwriter and one of the most prominent toasters / MC in the Brazilian sound system culture. He represents the voice of the street from the east of São Paulo.
I strongly assume that the last two works don't necessarily suit everyone's taste Dubhead's, but it doesn't hurt to listen.
[Knowledge is power, nothing does nothing to know ;-)))]
Ah, thanks for the clarification. "Applies In Dub“Passed me by completely. I can only underline your praise for Prince Fatty.
With pleasure,
and when we're singing the praises of Prince Fatty. René, do you know Prince Fatty's first album "Prince Fatty - The Best of Prince Fatty" (Anvil LP) from 2005?
The album has a black and white cover and there is a milk face (Prince Fatty) sitting in front of a huge mixer with plenty of equipment in the background. The work sounds like very early organ-heavy recordings by Lee Perry or Harry J's Liquidator from the 60s with Jackie Mittoo on keyboards. The guy is really a phenomenon. Pure joy and listening pleasure ...
No. I only got involved with “Survival of the Fattest”. In any case, with “The Best of Prince Fatty” 2005, from today's perspective, he was pretty wrong ;-)
That’s right, I think it’s really cheeky when you’ve got your “debut” best of ...
English humor
@ Ras Vorbei,
This can not be true. The Ciann Finn album was awesome! And as always, I didn't have more than that Dub desired. And now you come and tell us that it has been around for a long time. Honestly, if you only discover such discs here as an internet detective with the qualities of a secret agent, then I'm really out of the picture. Well, how good I am about that Dub Blog still some elementary important information from the conspiratorial Dub Get cosmus. Really now, I don't understand the music industry.
The disc has to be released as vinyl just like the one with Last Poets, for example. Well I suppose the music industry has long since faded and everything is based on the initiative of the producers.
Prince Fatty may also be on the list of illegal drugs, because one thing is clear,
Prince Fatty is instantly addicting.
"The album should even be played by the legendary Jah Shaka sound system."
Well, I hope so, how else should they have legendary status., Or keep …………… lemmi
Greetings Lemi,
"Cian Finn - This Applies In Dub“That's the correct name for the part, it was released in October 2018 and unfortunately somehow we all overlooked it.
Aaaaaber, better late than never!
I guess that you can see my enthusiasm for Mike Pelanconi aka Prince Fatty in my writing. For me, “he” is definitely Adrian Sherwood's counterpart. There are always bright spots!
Have fun listening and stay tuned ...
Sorry if I ask again. Did the music really appear in 2018 or did it just appear?
Have we all "criminally overlooked"? Yes, not even in the universalDub-Library of gtkriz you can find it.
Or I've lost my perspective. (I'm sorry if I am wronging you gtkriz, it should be in your list ……… sorry).
But that's exactly what I mean, there shouldn't be anything like that. If not we reggae fanatics and Dubheads get the information about what's going on, then the internet is still a sham for me.
Maybe there should be special reggae cookies. (“Reggae Bruzzler” for grilling is actually already available. It's really crazy what babylon thinks up).
But well, “better late than never” that is of course true …………… lemmi
According to my research, “This Applies In Dub“Released on Oct 10, 2018 on Emerald Isle Records.
“Reggae Bruzzler” for grilling actually already exists. It's really amazing what babylon thinks up ”.
What shit commercial nonsense, just because there is a drop of hemp oil (not a psychoactive one) in it.
This is the Babylon Shitstem in its purest form.
Basically, I have to apologize to the whole world again.
The record was or is still available in my regular store IRIE RECORDS as a wonderful vinyl LP. Unfortunately, the price is higher than what I'm still willing to spend on music. An LP with 10 tunes or DubI don't find s that cost more than 26 euros (52 DM) so tingling anymore. Still, I don't want to save money in the wrong place. I just think that you shouldn't get used to such prices.
But greed has never been cool, so I'll make an order now (I hope it's not too late yet) ………… .lemmi
I just like IRIE RECORDS ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ………………… .. lemmi
Haha, you're right, the price has been the "Rolls Royce" in reggae mail order since the early 80s.
look over there:
Ok, two beers less at the next party …………… .. lemmi