
Various Artists: Pay it All Back Vol

With "Pay it All Back Vol. 7" (On.U-Sound) the great Adrian Sherwood lets us work on his current one for the seventh time Dub-Output part. It goes without saying that we are not talking about classic here Dubs have to do with extremely exploratory productions that go beyond simple genre allocation. If anything, then "Dub"In view of Sherwood's biography, it is still the best, because after all," Pay it All Back, Vol. 1 "was released in 1984, when Sherwood was producing music that was even easier to classify. 35 years later he offers us with Vol. 7 new mixes and recuts as well as unreleased tracks from Roots Manuva, Lee “Scratch” Perry, Coldcut, Gary Lucas (Captain Beefheart's Magic Band), Mark Stewart, Horace Andy and others. Exciting, sometimes a bit too cerebral, but always at least interesting. Uh? What kind of statement is that? That's right: I am undecided. I can hardly find the new work show of the mixer god bad. But I don't always really enjoy the tricky productions. Best of all: hear for yourself!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

11 replies to "Various Artists: Pay it All Back Vol. 7"

Thank you René !!!

How was my first spontaneous comment on the record? Lost taste ?! This shows again that you don't always recognize genius right away. I am very happy that I can correct my first spontaneous impression here again. It took a while before I could finally listen to the disc in peace at home. In the meantime I've got a very good picture (and lots of pictures in my head). Only yesterday, while listening to and enjoying the record, I thought that I couldn't leave it like that. Is that a "wandering of souls above the church tower" or just a coincidence that I already get the opportunity to celebrate the disc here in full. Maybe it is simply due to the quantum physical entanglement or is all ONE after all.
Whatever. You call it heady, I call it top heavy. Yes, the disc is also interesting. But the brother of “Nice” is interesting and nice isn't really good for a long time. But above all, it is very varied and really exciting.
I can't explain what Adrian Sherwood is doing. I can only say again and again that I would listen to punk from him. Often I think what a shitty music and I want to tip over again and then I always notice that the sound pulls me more and more under its spell and at the latest halfway through every tune I'm in a trance and in the world where I end up after work dearest.
No. 1 Roots Manuva / Dough Wimbish is really not that plump but at least somehow interesting ... ;-)
No. 2 I think Sherwood / Pinch / Daddy Freddy is awesome!
No. 3 For me, Mr. Bassie is the best tune here on the record.
No. 4 No, not yet another “war version”, but at first I thought what a beautiful song and what a beautiful voice! Which languages ​​? Arabic and Japanese?
No. 5 At first I thought: Guys you can't do that, it's really no longer funny. But in the meantime I have "understood" the tune. This “throttled” trumpet alone is a pleasure. And then there is this very diffuse bassline in the background, which makes this tune a very special one Dub can be.
No. 6 Denise Sherwood "Ghost Heart" ...... goosebumps !! At first I would rate the groove as boring, but the piano fits perfectly and Adrian's daughter's voice is a pleasure.
No. 7 “Fake Days” …… .. sums up the zeitgeist in a nutshell: Everything except fake Dub !
No. 8 Has long been one of my favorites when it comes to "DubstepDub". Adrian Sherwood manages that I find something really good.
No. 9 Greetings from Lee Perry
No. 10 Mark Stewart …… well that's really difficult, but I don't want to miss “Liberty City”.
No. 11 Is really not that plump but not annoying either. Going in the direction of interesting again ;-)
No. 12 "Toby's Place" This is most likely in the direction of aberration of taste but apparently I also suffer from it sometimes….
No. 13 “A Live In Dub“Adrian Sherwood shows how you can make EVERYTHING out of nothing. In terms of atmosphere and effect, it takes me to the highest level. I think that's really crazy. Dub Spencer and Trance Hill sometimes do it very well.
No. 14 African Head Charge…. I like it very much. African percussions with a grooving bass and exotic "jingling" with crisp effects. I'll be there!
No. 15 Fuego de Cumbia…. What a groove! You (René) can always express that much better than me. I don't have the right words. Maybe that's the best tune here on the record. I absolutely love it.
No. 16 Little Ax “Deep River”… .. You can't be more confident !!! I would have to write an entire book about Little Ax to do half justice to my fascination for their music.
No. 17 yeah man !!! "On U. Sound is in the aria" !!! It doesn't get any better ... just as well! In the end my highlight on Pay It All Back No. 7 !!!
No. 18 Cold Cut / Roots Manuva …………… causes a very nice feeling in me!

Phew, I've probably never commented on a disc in such detail, but as RasVorbei always says so beautifully:
Predicate “artistically valuable” (or something like that).
As René said, “The tricky productions aren't always really fun either” but when you take your stick out of your ass. the gates open (at least the gate ;-) hehe, it has just surrendered ......

So, I'm sticking to "ON-U.SOUND RULES" and huge ..................................... lemmi


Rainford Hugh Perry aka Lee Scratch Perry and Adrian Maxwell Sherwood (AMS) announced on May 31.05st. again brought a common work to the people. The cover is heavily based on Albrechts Dürrer's woodcut “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” (reversed), which thematically relates to the opening of the first four seals of the Revelation of John. The riders scurrying along in a phalanx (here in the person of "Scratch") sweep away everything opposing them.
Well, whether that's really the case is up to each listener. In any case, AMS proves once again that nothing bad can generally come of this under his leadership.

The new collaboration has certainly not become an absolute masterpiece and perhaps would - except for ON-U. Sound Addicts - would not get much attention if it weren't for the name of this 83 year old living legend on the cover. Almost 60 years after Lee Perry started making music, "Methuselah" has to be admitted that he is still creative, which he proves again in the best moments of "Rainford". In my opinion Lee Scratch Perry is / was never crazy, very eccentric at best.
Adrian Sherwood is also in top form, as always, and his mixing is again more than convincing. For me, AMS underscores his outstanding position and outstanding quality most convincingly in “Autobiography Of The Upsetter”, where he brilliantly manages the feat of reproducing the legendary, springy sound of “Black Ark Studios” (almost) 1: 1.

Chicken Skin… ..Well done Mr. Perry & Mr. Sherwood !!!

Like all ON-U. Sound Produkte, the album gets better every time you listen to it.

Yeah man !!! 99

"Cricket On The Moon"… .. oh what a Big Tune !!!
"House Of Angels" …………. I love it !!!

These two flash me the most! Is probably also a little bit due to "deja vus" that someone gets from something like that.
I'm right there in the time of Noah House Of Dread “Murder”. This strongly accentuated bass (I don't know how to express it better) with the extremely dry rhythm guitar reminds me fully of the sound of "Murder".
And this tune has been one of my all time favorites ever since.
I also really like “Kill Them Dreams ……”.
"Children Of The Light" ……………. at its finest !!!
“Autobiography Of The Upsetter” ……… Fantastic !!!

Well, "Let It rain" ...... I find it rather weak. It's just n´ dancehall riddim. It doesn't stand a chance against reggae, but I don't have to skip it any further.
The contrast to reggae becomes clear when "House Of Angels" rolls in and Babylon razes to the ground again.

So I can't find a tune that I find bad. On the contrary, with 5 big tunes out of a total of 9 tunes, my world is fine. Or is it even 6 (or is it all) ?! “Makumba Rock” is great too, I'm just noticing.

For me, Lee Perry wasn't and is by no means crazy. It was not for nothing that he had everything full of mirrors on his body, namely to show us exactly this again and again. But I don't know whether the mirrors actually had this purpose. I like to be enlightened ………….

"If you want loyalty, by a dog" ………………… lemmi

;-) ...... probably made the ears "a little" insensitive to too many Steppers Sound Systems ....... ;-)

(Just kidding, tastes are just ... .. etc.)

"If You Want Loyalty Buy A Dog" (of course it has to be called) ……………… .. lemmi

Greetings Lemi,

I have to revise my opinion:
On May 31.05st I wrote: "The new collaboration has certainly not become an absolute masterpiece ...".
Today I would write: "The new collaboration has now surely become an absolute masterpiece ..."
[What makes a single letter ;-)]

The whole weekend the “Rainford” ran almost in a final loop, sometimes loud, sometimes headphones, sometimes in the background and should I tell you something, the quality is always far above what we otherwise get offered. Just good craft! The album actually grows with every listen and there is always something new to discover on every corner / edge.
The album could only be topped with a few more Dubs from the master (AMS) himself. There would still be plenty of space on the CD. It is always fascinating what these two soul mates get out of themselves in their collaboration.

For me there really isn't a single bad title on this album.
At first I didn't find “Makumba Rock” that tingling either, but now I find the Brazilian influences really exciting and very suitable as a counterpoint in the middle of the album.
But for me “Autobiography Of The Upsetter” is the culmination of this wonderful journey into the ON-U.Sound / AMS / Perry cosmos. The title sounds as if it was created in the legendary “Black Ark” at the end of the 70s - a missing piece.
Scratch talks about his early days in the Jamaican music business, his work with Sir Coxsone Dodd and Duke Reid, his productions with Bob Marley, Susan Cadogan and Max Romeo. It continues with a story that he saw Chris Blackwell drinking chicken blood from a rum glass and how he burned down his "Black Ark" and and and ...

The Players of Instruments read like a (class) meeting among old friends, many of the well-known warriors are back: Doug Wimbish, Crocodile, Mr. Magoo, Crucial Tony, George Oban, Style!?, Skip "Little Ax" McDonald ... to name a few

With Adrian Sherwood's “Veredelung”, “Rainford” has become a coherent album from start to finish and a gripping, convincing late work by the 83 year old on top of that. Let's hope that Scratch will do it on this planet for a very long time. Lee Scratch Perry is the living example that Ganja aka "The Healing Of The Nations" can't be bad!

Stay tuned ...

definitely hear René more often!
I heard the same thing the first time twice.
Still interesting how different tastes are. Didn't dream of tearing this album up.

"The Players of Instruments read like a (class) meeting among old friends, many of the well-known warriors are back: Doug Wimbish, Crocodile, Mr. Magoo, Crucial Tony, George Oban, Style!?, Skip" Little Ax " McDonald ... to name a few "
All of these “guys” are so wonderfully “off the track” that they can only produce very special results. Alone a liveDub- Seeing Doug Wimbish's solo is a revelation in terms of experimentation.
Right now I feel like Jürgen Klopp at the peak of his work and now I cheer myself up.
I had no idea who made the music here and now that you mentioned the musicians here, I have to
Quoting René again, who already thought of me as real Dubconnoisseur. In any case, I'm glad that I still correctly assess the quality of the musicians. As I have already written, “What mom cooks always tastes good!
Ok, I haven't been able to convey my joy in a somewhat charming way. I actually wanted it to have a certain self-irony, but I can't quite see that myself while reading.
Anyway, I'm happy!

Greetings from another Dubconnoisseur ……………… lemmi

greetings lemmi,

the ON-U.SOUND addicts are among themselves again.

A thought has just occurred to me, maybe Mr. Sherwood will record a new Creation Rebel after he got the guys back together.

Ja Ras Vorbei,

would be nice if he had that thought too.
Creation Rebel has been kind of busy touring with Adrian Sherwood in recent years.
Of course, they weren't invited to d-land again, or another secret concert without advertising for the event. (Reggaenode was a great thing, I was able to look out for new concerts every day / It doesn't matter, everything will get better, it always means ...)
But it is also difficult to organize a concert just for both of us. Maybe a few more Dutch people would stop by if it were to take place in Borussia Mönchen Gladbach, for example.

"Come On Dog And Get Your Bone" (Little Ax) …………………… .. lemmi

Well lemmi,

there would be a few more who would be delighted to see a “Creation Rebel” concert like a schnitzel.
That would also be fatal for the organizer if only the two Hansel were to attend the concert.
At a concert by Rico I experienced something like this that at most 50-60! Noses were present. On my drive to work I happened to see a mini poster at the red light that Rico & Band was playing that same evening. Three hours before the start of the concert, nobody was able to confirm the concert by phone. In the evening then drove there on suspicion and actually, Rico & Band (in the line-up including Bammi Rose, Eddie "Tan Tan" Thornton, Tony Uter) played a really fine and long concert for a "select fan base".

“It doesn't matter, everything is getting better, it always means…. “I have been hoping for that for over 40 years. No matter where you look, it doesn't get any better.

The good music venues are either completely demolished or broken up for the chic. It is generally used to milk mice.

Sorry, that doesn't belong in the Dubblog - mea culpa

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